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Wordpress Pack

WordPress Pack

Bring together everything you need to design a successful web site using the WordPress content management system, using a WordPress Pack which includes your domain name, web hosting, premium theme and setting up assistance. WordPress Pack includes… Domain Name Your choice of domain name such as .com and Secure Web Hosting With a leading service provider recommended by WordPress Premium Theme Installed and ready to use with 80+ layouts and a visual builder Email Account IMAP, POP and SMTP. Works with PCs, tablets, and mobile phones Email @ Your Domain Personalise incoming and outgoing email with your domain name Spam Filter Improves productivity by keeping your inbox clear of spam Automated Backups Protect your data with automated daily backups of your files and database Email and Phone Support Personal one-to-one help with issues affecting your web site Setting Up Assistance Premium Theme and recommended plugins installed and ready to use

Areas Covered: East Sussex

Telephone number: 01825 723943, mention SYOB for a special offer


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